Participate in Making Common Ground

Willing to help - please take our survey, which we are using to track trends - the data is collected anonymously.

We want you: Participants needed for Making Common Ground

We are looking for a handful of participants to take part in our project Making Common Ground.

We are running digital discussion groups with people who hold different political views - and some without any fixed ones - as we try to see if we can find common ground.

Ahead of each discussion group, which will take place fortnightly, we will ask participants to read a handful of news articles that will form the basis of our discussion.

As well as the events of the week, we will take on the big topics obsessing the country - from coronavirus to Brexit to Black Lives Matter - to see what people really think is going on and whether we can reach an agreement, or if we can agree to disagree.

We want to hear from people of any age, right or left, voter or not. The only qualification required is a willingness to discuss any and all topics honestly, openly and respectfully.

Interested in participating in the future? Sign up by entering your email address here.

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